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Savonia AMK, project VirTech Webinar – Advanced technologies in professional sport

26.10.2023 @ 13:0015:00 EEST

Location: Microsoft Teams

Throughout history, technology has been the unyielding driving force behind athletic achievements, transforming the way we train, compete, and experience sports. In the modern day, an array of technologies is being utilized more than ever before. Discover how these groundbreaking technologies are revolutionizing the way athletes train, perform, and excel in the realm of elite sports.


13.00 Anssi Mähönen, project VirTech. Opening words.

13.10 Petra Torvinen, University of Jyväskylä, Sports technology. Utilization of technology in elite sport
Advanced technologies enhance performances of Finnish winter olympic athletes. Learn how Finnish skiers utilize simulators and other modern technologies to develop their performances.

14.00 Michael Parsons, Rezzil. The integration of Virtual Reality in professional football.
The World’s Leading VR and AR Sports Trainer. Rezzil’s training systems have been used by the world’s best athletes in football, basketball, Formula 1, and many more for years.

Advanced technologies in professional sports – VirTech (


13:00 – 15:00 EEST


Savonia AMK